About HartiNet

The main purpose of this site is to inform family and friends about what’s going on in our lives. Previously I sent out a lot of eMails, containg a lot of pictures to a lot of people. Sort of a newsletter. Sometimes I got the feedback to please not send any eMails anymore, sort of canceling the newsletter. This site replaced that eMail. Now, people who really want to know, what’s going on with the Hartingers can come here and check it out.

I still thought of setting up a newsletter again, to inform people who subscribe to it by themselves, when this site is updated. However, this will not happen. In the meantime I got a Twitter and Facebook account. This is where I will sent messages to, if I uppload new content. So please feel free to follow me on Twitter or Facebook if you want to receive messages.

The secondary purpose of this site is to publish our picture portfolio. At some stage I want to send fotos to website like www.photo.net to get them evaluated be professionals. Before I do that, I want to setup my portfolio here. You can find the beginnings here. Construcitve feedback about the fotographs is very much appreciated!

Also: I learn a lot from other peoples blogs, like

  • Bagelturf on his Aperture postings (unfortunately he seems to have completely stoped bloging, he is using Twitter now…).
    [Notice: Bagelturf website is not existing anymore.]
  • Frasier Spiers on Fotography / Apple
  • James Duncan Davidson (Professional Photograper)

So, at some stage, I will also start passing on some Know-How of my own, because I think this is a great way of learning and being able to share one’s own knowledge!

By the way:

  • My mother tongue is german. I still write in english as I have a number of friends not speaking german. So please excuse my spelling… If you find errors, please let me know!
  • I created this site with RapidWeaver, but in the meantime moved over to WordPress.